Sylwia says that she brings natural light and life into the body and teaches how to express emotions and needs in a natural way, to recognize the inner healing movements and vibrations of the body and how to follow them with deep breathing and consciousness to release everything that is blocking natural life energy and joy. She supports people in finding their own potential and their own purpose in life. During her sessions, she combines the Gestalt psychotherapy with Alexander Lowen’s bioenergetic bodywork and different massage techniques. Has a wide experience and know how to work in a business area and how to start something totally new like her new life: SylvieClove Business
What do you do exactly?
A friend of mine once said that I form the souls’ of people; my goal is to expand consciousness. To look for solutions and to deepen the relation we have with ourselves. Recently I focus on working on the body, meaning: I help to find a connection that would allow the desires to manifest and the life energy to flow through us. To summarize: I am a Bodyworker. But that’s only part of my job, as I’m also a Coach.

I will ask questions that will open doors and show you new paths in your minds.
Did you have a revelation which helped you to determine what do you want to do in life?
I did have a couple of revelations, yes. I risk to call them enlightenments even. Although, as I don’t consider myself an enlightened person, the first thing that pops into my mind in that occasions was that I have to be dying, hence the clarity of the visions. This is the signal of the ego fading away. The ego wants to convince us that we’re dying. An experience such as this can really change you. The moments of certainty came in small steps, along with the experiences. I’m still on my way, though.
What was your path to what you do right now?
Hard and full of crossroads. I have a degree in biotechnology from the Technical University of Gdańsk. For 10 years I’ve worked as a Project Manager in the IT sector. Throughout all this time, the human being has always been in the center of my attention. One day I found myself in need of a tool that would help me aid other people, because motivating others drained me, especially at times when I needed a mentor as well. I decided to try coaching; that was a year of courses and classes. A year of changing my way of thinking. Coaching was naturally transforming my work into psychotherapy and bodywork therapy. That time my own body was my temple and curse at the same time. I was very vulnerable, and that was more than my mind was able to handle. My own experiences, classes and findings brought me to the most basic aspect of human life: body vs mind. My job started to bring me down. I felt as if my freedom and carnality did not fit within the idea of sitting behind the desk. So I quit and attended a tantric workshop in Bali, and after that went on a lonesome trip to Australia and Asia. There, I found myself. But implementation of all these wise insights wasn’t as idyllic as it might sound.
A friend of mine once said that I ‘form the souls’ of people
What gives you the greatest satisfaction in what you do?
Accompanying the transformation of other people. The emotions that come from seeing that my personal experience, which I share, it can change emotion that my personal experience, which I share, it can change someone’s life.
Any disadvantages?
This is a territory in which the end result is unknown beforehand, and sees daylight only after the session. You make a promise. Though you never may know where exactly will this journey take you and the customer, either in coaching and/or bodywork. You have to know how to trust and flow with the process. Supervision is equally important. You have to know your weaknesses and learn to work with them, or support it by someone else. If you don’t know how to sell and present your skill to the public but you are amazing as a bodyworker – have someone do that for you. You have to know your natural skills.
How does your workday look like?
Because I lead workshops, often you’ll find me traveling all over Poland. I also use Skype for work more frequently, so I have customers from outside of Poland. I work in very different hours of the day, as well as decide how much will I work, and where. I look for ideas that would let me work all over the world; hence my next destination is Australia. However, I take my limitations into account, so I usually don’t plan more than 3 sessions per day. I have a lot of free time to spend with my familly and freinds. I do apprieciate my freedom now but still remember about the other aspect: responsibility. More freedom is more responsibility. Not everybody can accept it or handle it.
You have to know your weaknesses and learn to work with them.
What are your basic work tools?
Hands and shoulders. The sound of my deep breathing when I am leading my client into his body. A massage table. Mindfulness. Trust in the process. And finally, a computer: to organize or sum up my work.
What can people expect from meeting with you?
Adventure:) I will share everything that supports or supported me in finding a passion, and not a job. I will ask questions that will open doors and show you new paths in your mind. I will tell you about the basics of bodywork – breathing, meditation, sensuality and natural techniques of self healing. I will give you hints and clues on how to find pleasure in being in your own body, and how to build a relationship with yourself that will make your life full of joy and happiness. Maybe we will cook something together as well, as this is an activity that I like to share with others.