The massage is not only relaxation. It’s effective release from pain and tension, deep relaxation and pleasure of being in the body.



Check our hot stones massage, hot chocolate massage or chinese face massage





Work-site massage and Work Life Ballance Program is for business area and for busy people


This is about what I notice around, what resonates in me.

About what I'm doing, what I'm cooking and about ones I love. Enjoy.

Couple massage classes - get your intimacy back

I want to propose you a few hours classes to change your intimacy in your relationship and to your own body.

    Prenatal massage

    Feel the body. Discover your needs. Reach.

      Osho's message to bodyworkers

      Massage is needed in the world because love has disappeared

        ABOUT US

        I am a Bodyworker. But that’s only part of my job, as I’m also a Coach.

        Sylwia says that she brings natural light and life into the body and teaches how to express emotions and needs in a natural way, to recognize the inner healing movements and vibrations of the body and how to follow them with deep breathing and consciousness to release everything that is blocking natural life energy and joy. She supports people in finding their own potential and their own purpose in life. During her sessions, she combines the Gestalt psychotherapy with Alexander Lowen’s bioenergetic bodywork and different massage techniques.

        Sylwia Guździk Read the full interview with me
        • Gdynia, Legionów 3a/10


        different words about me .. bodywork sessions, massages and coaching ..

        Sylwia is a wonderful person, intelligent, beautiful and gifted woman who has this rare skill of truly listening to people and making their day brighter :) She makes you stop for a moment, look deep into yourself and think about the answers to the questions that might not be easy. The time with her was awesome!


        Children's Book Writer & Fortuneteller
        Meeting with Sylwia was surprising, full of emotions and resulting in a deep dive into own thoughts and needs. If you plan to meet Sylwia and are ready to open yourself, be prepared that you'll be fully in the focus, that you'll face some to-the-point questions, which will help you to realize something or redefine your view on it. She listens carefully, softly leads towards the conclusion, all that in a very supportive manner.


        mama trójki dzieci, Lupomi owner
        Hawajski masaż Lomi Lomi z Sylwią to przyjemność dla ciała, duszy i umysłu, oderwanie się na chwilę od rzeczywistości, odrobina luksusu, która diametralnie zmienia nasze nastawienie do siebie i świata. Sylwia jest profesjonalna, doświadczona, wprowadza w swój świat, intuicyjnie wiedząc, czego właśnie w tej chwili potrzebujemy. Podchodzi do każdego z wielką atencją, z masażu robiąc rytuał, celebrację chwili. W środku zimy można nagle poczuć się jak na hawajskiej plaży. Taki kontakt z masażystą daje mi maksymalny relaks, w przeciwieństwie do często bezosobowych salonów spa. Dziękuję i Aloha Sylwia!


        Business Trainer/ MBA Lecturer

        See more


        If you have any questions, write boldly! We will answer in a snap. We dont spam, cause we dont like it either. Your personal date are safe in our space, will not share them.

        Bodywork Studio

        Sopot, 23 Marca 8a/36

        +48 575 784 042